Thursday, May 28, 2020

Self-defeated police

Racism is probably best described as self-defeat, anyway.
How do we learn to get along? Can we all just get along?
I remember the question, and I remember that heartache.
Now, in 2020, we have the fires of hatred, both in some human hearts, and in the streets of Minneapolis.
This is going to be a night that we must remember-- not in joy, but in despair.
Small business gets caught in the crossfire, every time.
But, then, common sense got caught in the cross-fire, when police officers, who
evidently were never properly trained and seldom disciplined, decided to kill a man
who was clearly cooperating, right on camera.
This kind of thing has happened repeatedly in recent years.
Now law and order seem destroyed, temporarily, due to the abdication of responsibility by
the police department there.
That abdication started when the police stopped being reasonable with a man who was helpless.
They have killed him, but now his sympathizers, in righteous or self-righteous anger, are
destroying a city.
I am, this night, watching those fires raging in Minneapolis.
It is hard to realize: the police have done all the wrong things, first punishing and killing
the innocent, even after their full cooperation; then, not taking action against those actually guilty of civil disruption.